The Founder & the inception
Dr Sotiris Danos
Our Founder, Dr Sotiris Danos, is a Swedish-Greek Physiotherapist, registered in Sweden, working with passion for the last 20 years, helping people to improve their well being. Dr Danos has been recognised among the top scientists in the area of Naprapathy, working with many well known athletes as well as individuals. Dr Danos translated his passion into Ergoplati Brand, a brand that develops genius pillows for comfort and well being, for all, at home, at work or on the move.
”In my work I come into contact with people who travel on a daily basis. I have noticed that poor backs and travels seem to go hand in hand.”
“In my work as an inhouse naprapath at Sheraton Hotel in Stockholm I meet many people with a lot of job-related travels. While I work as a naprapath for the National Sport team for basketball in Sweden and the Swedish Champions Solna Vikings I get an insight into the tough demands put on high level athletics*. The common denominator is different types of problems with the back and the back of the neck.”
“Being a naprapath I mainly work with problems of the back or the back of the neck once they have already occurred. That has caused me to think about if there was anything which I could do in order to prevent the problems from arising.”
“First I developed a large supportive pillow for the back of the neck and the lower back. Since it was taking up too much space in their luggage, and was unwieldy, few clients wanted to use it. That is how I got the idea to develop Ergoplati.”
Sotiris Danos, licenced naprapath and designer of Ergoplati
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